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Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy was prepared in order to explain the rules of processing of your personal data on the website


  1. The Administrator of your personal data is Terra Casa S.A. with its registered office in Kraków (ul. Piastowska 34/LU 1, 30-067 Krakówul. Piastowska 34/LU 1, 30-067 Kraków), entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for Kraków – Śródmieście in Kraków, the 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0000130551; NIP: 6762162655; REGON: 357206251.
  2. The terms used in the Privacy Policy text mean:
    1. GDPR [RODO] – the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
    2. Personal data – information on a physical person identified or possible to identify.
    3. Consent to the processing of personal data – voluntary, specific, deliberate and explicit expressing of a will, by means of which the person, to whom the data refer, in a form of a declaration or explicit confirming activity, agrees to the processing of his or her personal data.
    4. Policy – the present Privacy Policy.
    5. Grupa Kapitałowa TC Forum [TC Forum Capital Group]:
      1. TC Forum Piastowska Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.k. (KRS: 0000711959),
      2. TC Forum Mokotów Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.k. (KRS: 0000627081),
      3. TC Forum Wola 2 Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp. K. (KRS: 0000742522),
      4. TC Forum SOHO Sp z o. o. (KRS: 0000886395),
      5. TC Forum Marymont Sp z o. o. (KRS: 0000823298),
      6. TC Forum Stegny Sp. z o. o. (KRS: 0000883093),
      7.  Art Deco Grzybowska Sp. z o. o. (KRS: 0000753216).
  3. The contact with the Administrator is possible in the following forms:
    1. zby means of electronic mail – under the e-mail address:;
    2. by mail – to the address Terra Casa S.A., ul. Piastowska 34/LU 1, 30-067 Kraków;
    3. by phone – under the phone number +48 (12) 252 80 80.
  4. In order to ensure the appropriate protection of your personal data against unauthorized access or unauthorized use of these data, all collected data are protected by using due organizational and technical means.


  1. We receive your personal data as a result of:
    1. your enquiries sent by means of contact forms, by e-mail or by phone;
    2. expressing consent to data processing for marketing purposes.
  2. The personal data provided by you by means of a contact form, electronic mail or by phone are being processed by us solely with the purpose of communication with you by electronic mail or by phone, including providing a response to the asked question or dealing with the matter initiated by you. The basis for the processing of personal data is in this case a justified interest of the Administrator (art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of GDPR) consisting in a possibility of answering your enquiry or dealing with the matter initiated by you.
  3. Provision of data specified in item 6 above is voluntary, but essential in order to enable us to contact you.
  4. The data specified in item 6 are being processed until the limitation of potential claims by lapse of time.
  5. In the event you express your consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes, your personal data are processed also for the purposes indicated in the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data. The basis for the processing of your personal data is then a consent to the processing of personal data (art. 6 sec. 1 letter a of GDPR).
  6. In the event of expressing consent to the processing of personal data you have the right to withdraw your consent at any moment, however, such a fact does not influence the legality of the processing made on the basis of the consent prior to its withdrawal.
  7. In the event of processing your data based on the consent, these data will be stored for the period of time, for which the consent to the processing of personal data was expressed and in compliance with the obligations of the Administrator arising from the binding legal provisions.
  8. Your personal data shall not be subject to automated decision making, including profiling.


  1. The processing of personal data on behalf of the Administrator can be conducted solely by the Administrator’s employees or partners explicitly authorized to perform this task. Additionally, your personal data are available to the external entities processing these data on behalf of the Administrator within the scope, in which the Administrator entrusted them with the processing of your personal data (in particular the suppliers of IT services). Your data can be also made available to the company Terra Casa S.A. (KRS: 0000130551) on the basis of a justified interest of the Administrator (art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of GDPR) consisting in the fulfillment of internal administrative objectives of the companies.
  2. Except for the events specified in item 13 the Administrator can submit your data to other entities, in the cases of a statutory obligation to provide these data.


  1. You have the following rights relating to personal data processing:
    1. the right to have access to data and to receive their free of charge copy,
    2. the right to data correction, in case they are incorrect,
    3. the right to data removal,
    4. the right to limit data processing,
    5. the right to data transfer,
    6. pthe right to objection relating to the processing based on a legally justified interest of the Administrator (i.e. art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of GDPR),
    7. the right to objection relating to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing.
  2. In order to exercise the rights, enumerated in item 10 and 15, you should send an appropriate request to the Administrator to the e-mail address or by mail to the address of the Administrator’s seat specified in item 3 letter a and b.
  3. The procedure of request fulfilment is free of charge except for the request of making available the second and each subsequent copy of the data or lodging excessive requests or evidently unjustified. In the cases described above the Administrator may request the payment in the amount corresponding to the amount of time and means necessary to fulfill the request.
  4. Additionally, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority, which is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, in the case if the processing of your data breaches the provisions on personal data protection.


  1. For your comfort the Administrator is using Cookie files and similar technologies particularly in order to adjust the service to your needs and for statistical purposes.
  2. Cookies are small text files sent by the service and recorded on your devices, in which the information used on the websites you are browsing are stored. The Administrator is using the “session” Cookie files (temporary), which are stored on your end device until you log off, leave the site or turn off the browser and the “persistent” Cookie files, which are stored on the end device for the period of time specified in the parameters of the Cookie files or until the time you remove them.
  3. Internet browsers allow default storage of Cookie files on your end device. You can change the settings relating to Cookie files at any time. You can change these settings particularly in such a way, so as to block the automatic service of Cookie files in the settings of the Internet browser or inform about their every placing on your device. Detailed information relating to the possibilities and manners of dealing with Cookie files are available in the settings of particular Internet browsers.
  4. More information about Cookie files can be found in the help menu of each Internet browser, such as, among others, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera.
  5. The Administrator informs that limitations in using Cookie files can affect certain functionalities available on the Administrator’s websites.
  6. The Cookie files in your end device can be also used by the advertisers and partners cooperating with the Administrator.
  7. The service is using Google Analytics, i.e. a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., which uses Cookie files. Google uses this information in particular to track your activity in the service, including the reports of web activity for the Administrator and rendering other services relating to the use of the service and the Internet.


  1. The Administrator reserves the right to introduce changes to the Policy.
  2. The Administrator shall notify of any changes to this Policy in a manner visible in the service in a form of a separate notice. Every change of the Policy shall be effective as from the day of its notification in the service.

Kraków, 12th July 2019

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